How much has the “Temporarily Normal”​ evolved into the “New Normal”​?

Sayyeda Asra
5 min readJun 15, 2021

“Bring the change you want to see in the world”, avowed great philosophers at all times and it was even truly applicable to reality but just not anymore. Two, three, or four weeks, has it been already now in the lockdown? Still feels like yesterday when I first heard the news about the Lockdown, yet feels like a lifetime for having lost connection of everything that was once sworn in routine. How normal is this temporary routine? Is it fleeting enough to bounce back into timelines we once complained of, which, now when we are presented with would be something we would pounce at?OR, would it be particularly concerning to stick through the routines and causing us to fall back into different reprimand layers.

“Work From Home”,” I cooked something new today, too”, “ I am working on myself”,” I don’t want to get out of my hole”, “ I just am enjoying a quality time with myself”,” can’t wait to get back to living life like before”..these are some of the very commonly used phrases these days.

Are we settling in our skin to the time we see at hand right now, or have we as humans learned to master the art of learning and evolving into greater and better versions of our yester moments? Answers to these questions weigh on different wavelengths in us, our innate abilities to perceive the change, reaction to! This very broadly streams into how many changes have we brought into our lives, also to spice it up, it includes how much we were yearning nuances in our mundane lives, how we are summed up as human beings.

Through my day-day interactions with different people through their IGTVs, Blogs, InstaLive, WhatsApp posts, emails or simple posts, I have come to believe that largely there are three phases of people living in this lockdown,(we might as well subconsciously trespass into these meshes only to stagnate there or quickly quiver back);

  1. “Goldies”, a nickname for all those who think “Old is Gold” and are stuck in past. The people of this phase are complaining about everything that once was, even if it meant to take a jolly ride to the most dreadful that ever occurred to them. Adaption to the change, that was brought on to them without their control particularly bothers them. The people in this phase are anxious, losing control of their lives through their actions or thoughts, have so many things planned out but are in no authority to execute them. This is so unnerving for the people in this phase that the reality slowly fades into hours, or just two happy moments before it is another day already! It is very difficult to be happy and feel normal in this phase. If you are them or know someone who is going through this, here are a few suggestions that might help! (Trust me, when I tried them, it had a very remarkable impact and I have already traded myself to the next phase). Write two things that you are thankful about ( two is not odd to begin with, math pun smirks), Say aloud two achievable goals for the day, Stretch once, Compliment yourself with two words. It is always beautiful to pick the pace and do a bit extra. Happy Introspection!
  2. “Aqueous”, the people so effortless as water. I bow to the people of this phase, they have very distinctively adhered to their regular Melatonin cycle. A large number of people in this phase have been religiously in this for a very long time, even before Covid-19 swept us off the feet. One of the great qualities of this phase is self-control, where practicality always wins over tempting situations. To give an example, to stick to work routine oversleeping a few extra Zzz, completing the assignment before falling for Netflix Binge, or even eating full healthy meals. But, exploring the characteristics of the people who recently advanced into this phase are motivated, particularly in trying new things, learning new skills, writing articles(something that I am doing right now), blogging, or taking pride in their newfound media for expression of their hobby. It is always nice and push-kicks to an enhanced level of oneself, subconsciously. People in this phase might not find much difference in their daily routine or might even stick to this routine after lockdown, which is a flag for Happy Learning!
  3. “Morrowers”, people who have sworn to themselves and the entire world around them that they are gonna be in the new shining armor from the following day onwards and it never sees the light of the day. This phase is no different from the first one except this is living in the future with no strong actions of actually doing it. People in this phase are anxious and lost, with so many options and avenues to explore! This phase predominantly vibes with “FOMO-Fear Of Missing Out” and eventually missing out on a majority of the things in just anticipations. It is easy and always better to pull a string at a time over many strings together( because while riding any animal when you pull both the reins with some force, the animal halts). I have found myself often wandering into this phase and flapping back. The beautiful way of overcoming this is still simpler, making a checklist routine for the day, drawing an ascent of activities in each list helps in the assessment of progress, the pace of action, and identification of the problem. This can be overcome when done with steady and at-ease, worrying too much specifically eats away the energy and also, the enthusiasm of doing it. Even a little hustle is better than no hustle(for someone with so many plans), so Happy Headway!

We are the highest form of evolution that the Earth has seen(correct me, if you find an advanced species may be, the progeny of Sheldon Cooper), and we have verily diversified in our activities, methods of learning, and our ways to adopt to different things. We might not like this current way of life or we could particularly appreciate the time in hand or simply roll in the blankets till the lockdown is officially over. But, we are all gonna pack some of this to our normalcy.

To conclude there no common point of how diverse we could be, except that we are Humans made of varied Social and Mental Matrices! So, what is temporarily normal could or not evolve into New Normal!

Originally published at

